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News 2025
News 2025
News 2025

We are thrilled to announce that @europetrailcup has recently launched a new website, and we would like to invite you to check it out. The website offers a variety of exciting races that you can participate in. Currently, ETC hosts 18 races from 10 different countries, and the community is getting bigger and stronger with time.

Whether you are a seasoned runner or new to the sport, ETC's races are designed with you in mind. Offering a range of distances and terrains, from challenging mountain courses to scenic beachfront runs, ETC ensures that everyone feels included.

So, why not visit the website today and explore the different races? You might find your next challenge and join the growing ETC community.

Alpe Adria Trail Cup is a league of trail runners that connects the best trail running events in the region. The AATC trail league aims to bring together the best trail runners from the region, as well as recreational runners who want to compete with the best and enjoy the magnificent events in the region.

We are pleased to announce that Jahorina Ultra Trail is once again a member of the Alpe Adria Trail Cup this year. We are proud to be a part of this prestigious running league that brings together the best mountain runners from the entire region.
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